Website DevelopmentHow to Integrate Klarna On-site Messaging in Shopify | Fully Explained
integrate klarna in shopify on site messaging

How to Integrate Klarna On-site Messaging in Shopify | Fully Explained


To have a successful hurdle free instalment get the prerequisite. Before using the Klarna On-Site Messaging app, merchants should integrate the Klarna Payments app. Get the link here: Klarna Payments install wizard.

Set yourrself ready with the API credentials. If you don’t have it yet, get it from this link: US Signup or EU Signup

API credentials and the instructions to activate will be received. Follow it to activate Klarna Payment in Shopify store app.  Klarna Payments on Shopify – Merchant Guide.

1. Install the Klarna on-site Messenger app available here: Shopify App Store.

2.Connect – As soon as you install the app your Klarna API credentials will be automatically connected if you already have completed Klarna Payments for Shopify Integration. If you have still not done than follow the guidelines and complete can confirm your Klarna API credentials in the settings menu.

3. Add Placements- Click ‘New Ad Position’ from the dashboard and follow below steps

  • Enter a name for your Shopify Ad Position.
  • If your country is not already defaulted, select the country that matches your Klarna API credentials.
  • Select the appropriate placement; the Product Detail is recommended for Product and Cart pages.

Manual OSM Integration (Without using SKOSM)

So it might happen that the Java script errors prevent the app code from running and the store blocks the app preview. Here you can directly integrate Klarna On-Site Messaging manually instead of using the Shopify app and use custom code for your store, or use a combination of the app and custom code. If you are directly entering code in Shopify theme instead of using SKOSM, make sure you refresh the placements when variants change. Now follow the three steps mentioned below:


  1. Adding Klarna OSM Java Scriot Library  to the Shopify store.
  2. Add Placement to the theme.
    It is the most important step as the appropriate theme files to update with Klarna On-Site Marketing placement tags & refresh code are dependent upon the Shopify theme you are using. Look at an example of placement code for a Shopify theme, which is also available in the Klarna Merchant Portal:
  3. Refresh placement when variant changes.
    For the store which has product with variants also has to add code to update OSM placement when a customer select different variant. Look at below example:

Removing the Klarna OSM App:

First of all disconnect your account from the setting’s page if you don’t wish to use the Klarna App. Then delete the app this will remove all the libraries. Look at the below image:

Main Issues Users Facing During Integration

  1. At present, Klarna Payments merchants integrated using Shopify Payments do not have access to the Klarna Merchant Portal and Klarna API credentials. This app supports stores with Klarna Payments integrated as an Alternative Payment Provider Check under Shopify admin -> Settings -> Payment providers -> Alternative payments where this app supports stores with Klarna Payments integrated as an Alternative Payment Provider.
  2. There is no other solution except for product preview page to fully display, the store must not be password protected.

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